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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

CavemanClarke makes it into Outdoor Fitness magazine

CavemanClarke (left) in Issue 9 of Outdoor Fitness Magazine (UK)
Outdoor Fitness magazine contacted me asking me to write an article about losing weight and returning to fitness after an over-indulgent holiday break. When I discovered that the feature would include a 4-week fitness plan and nutritional and lifestyle information, I couldn't refuse the opportunity.

As an enthusiastic reader of the magazine already, I knew I was in for a treat. The magazine is one of very few (along with Trail Running and Trail which focus on running and walking) to jump headfirst in the deep end of outdoor fitness pursuits, to bring to its audience a magazine packed with inspiration and ideas for fresh-air-freaks and rural-runners. 'Forget the gym, get outside, get fit and have a laugh doing it' seems to be the overall feel readers get from the 140+ pages of motivation and new challenges.

I couldn't agree more with the magazine. I hate the average gym; a stiff, stifling, un-natural and altogether boring environment. I try to get outside whenever possible to exercise, fill my lungs with fresh air and harbour the natural lift that being surrounded by nature always gives me. So, I set about planning a routine and dietary advice, as well as some motivational tips and helpful quotes.

The outcome was fantastic. Writer Paul Rees and photographer Matt Howell did an awesome job of constructing and publishing the article. Being great guys to work with, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would be happy to help again in the future. Maybe a barefoot/bareform running article next time?

For more information follow the links below:
The magazine is currently on sale in the UK ( until approximately the 20th September 2012, after which I will be able to give my readers from overseas a better look inside via another blog post.

Until then, happy reading UK readers and happy running everyone


  1. Hi Caveman
    I have never read Outdoor Fitness magazine, it sounds like something I might like though. I have just had a fantastic holiday and indeed came back feeling like a lardy blimp!

  2. Hey Caveman,

    I just found your blog, and it's great! Keep up the good work.

    I recently registered for a Tough Mudder run on Dec. 2 in Tampa, and from what I've read, a minimal shoe seems to be best for dealing both the distance and obstacles. I've been keeping track of minimalist running for a while, but I've never gotten into it. While VFF have always intrigued me, I'm not sure I'll have enough time to make that kind of transition before the race.

    My questions to you are:
    Do you think 10 weeks is enough to make the transition to minimalist running?

    If so, would you recommend a particular VFF model for a Mudder run?

    If not, are there a couple of shoes you could recommend that would help me transition and still hold up well in the race?


    1. Hi Malicae,

      I am so sorry it has taken a while to reply but I have been away walking the Pennine Way. What an amazing experience it was (blog post to follow in the next few days).

      In answer to your questions I would advise a much longer transition time into bareform running. I don't know your running history or fitness/strength levels but a person transitioning to bareform running should always do so slowly and must listen to their body and train accordingly. Therefore, with a race in mind this could be a recipe for injury :(

      By all means begin the transition, and definitely try a pair of VFF but I would advise not for the race. As a guide, it took me 6 months to comfortably run a 10k in VFF. It takes time for the bones, ligaments, tendons and soft tissue to adapt and strengthen. It is definitely worth it in the end but can take some time.

      The best VFF for muddy conditions and grip are the Spyridons/Spyridon LS's (see my previous post on these). As a transition shoe you could try the NB Minimus MT10 or Vivobarefoot Neo Trails (both reviewed on this blog).

      Be careful and listen to your body. If anything hurts, back off a little. If you want to continue your usual mileage you will have to wear your usual shoes and start to incorporate the minimalist shoes, otherwise it's a case of what I did; starting from the beginning again and slowly building back up!!!

      I hope this helps, please message me again if you need any further help.
