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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Xero Shoes: Thank you!

Just a very quick post to say thanks to Xero Shoes UK who sent me a pair of their very cool looking 4mm Huarache style sandles today. I opted for the DIY kit as I fancied finalising them myself. I am really excited to get these fitted when I have a spare moment later this week and give them a go.

Sadly the weather is not great here at the moment for huarache style shoes. We currently have about 4-6 inches of snow! Therefore, give me a few weeks to try these properly and time for the weather to improve and I will review them for you all.

Below is a picture of the DIY kit that you receive when you order a pair of Xero Shoes. You have the option of 4mm or 6mm sole thickness. I chose the thinner 4mm as I prefer the minimal space between my foot and the ground, and maximum proprioception.

NOTE: the hole punch and hair clip to help with lacing, seen in the picture, comes with the kit! What a great thought from an obviously thoughtful company!!!

DIY kit from Xero Shoes UK

Anyway, if you want any more info the website is or get hold of me on the comments section below for any questions you would like answered. Wish me all the best fitting them later this week :-)

Thanks again Xero Shoes UK.

Happy bareform running


  1. Best of luck ;)

    BTW, now that the updated MT10v2 is available in the UK, any chance that you will get a pair and take them for a spin in the snow? I am planning to get a pair myself, but I still have two pairs of the good old MT10's to wear down before the missus lets me :) Cheers!

    1. I would love to try them out if NB send me a pair to review. At the moment I am mainly using my VFF Spyridon and also the LS version too. They are the only shoe that I have found is comfy, durable and just about grippy enough. I am waiting for warmer weather and dryer conditions before the Xero shoes get a good testing!
