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Friday, 24 May 2013

Inov-8 Mudclaw 265 Review

Recently, I have had the privilege of trying out the new serious off-roaders from Inov-8; the Mudclaw 265. These extreme mud-pluggers certainly looked the part, but will they earn my approval or be put back in their box and returned?

Straight out of the box these were clearly another fantastic looking trail and fell shoe from Inov-8. The colour scheme looks fast, professional and attractive. Couple this with the serious studs on the sole of this minimalist trail shoe and you can see why it may get the heads turning of anyone interested in finding a decent, lightweight high-performance fell and trail runner!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Inov-8 X Talon 190 Review

Over the last few weeks I have tried and tested the Inov-8 X-Talon 190 fell and trail shoe. I have seriously put these shoes through their paces in a variety of conditions and terrains, from soppy mud in the East of England to the Scottish Highlands. Therefore I feel I stand in good stead to tell you all what I discovered to be the good, bad and the ugly of the super light light racing shoe from Inov-8.
A great looking and lightweight trail/fell shoe