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Friday, 26 July 2013

Xero Shoes Review

Hi everyone,

A few months ago Xero Shoes UK kindly sent me a pair of their huaraches to try and to review. After having them some time now I would like to share with you all my thoughts and comments on what I make of these sandle-type barefoot shoes.

On receiving them I was pleased to find that they really have thought of everything you need to make the shoes. The sole is sent out as a generic shape in the size that you have pre-measured before ordering. It is really simple to measure your feet as described on their website and it lands you with a good quality huarache sole. If you need to trim the edges you can do as they are generous with the material used to allow for wider feet etc. The most impressive thing was the supply of the hole punch to make your huaraches custom fit (you make the holes to fit the laces yourself so they fit to your foot better). It is the sort of thing you may have to make a special trip to buy, or spend hours in your garage rummaging through endless drawers of rusty tools to try and find one, only to discover you have the wrong size hole punch anyway. It is the little things that make the difference and this impressed me.

Fitting them was easy. It just required a few minutes of reading instructions and taking my time to do it properly. I must admit, I do find the fastening a little difficult to master, but I imagine the more you do it the less hassle it becomes.

Wearing them:
Wearing them is strange at first. The feeling of the string between your toes and around your foot takes some getting used to. But, after a while the sensation becomes normal, rather like wearing Vibram FiveFingers for the first time.

Walking in them is almost like being barefoot. I really like them as a summer shoe for everyday use instead of flip-flops which we all know are bad for your foot health!!! I would wear these with shorts during the summer months and even stash them in my holiday bag as my only pair of sandle type shoes.

Running in them is a matter of opinion. I know many people who swear by them. Personally for me I prefer the extra protection and feel of Vibram FiveFingers, especially as I trail run through rocks, mud, water, stingers and thistles. But on tracks and pavement they are fine. It depends on your terrain. I wouldnt recommend wearing them running in the wet as they slip around slightly compared with VFF's. But on a hot summers day they are absolutely fine.

In conclusion:
As a summer everyday shoe they are fantastic. Whether you are walking, running or wearing them casually they certainly do the job. For wetter, colder and trail conditions I would still recommend the Vibram FiveFingers or Vivobarefoot Neo Trails.

If you are after a huarache style sandle I would thoroughly recommend these. For a small price you have everything you need to make the perfect huarache delivered right to your front door.

Check out their website at:
More pictures to come soon.....

Happy running

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