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Thursday, 1 January 2015

Prioritise for 2015

The new year has arrived and with it many of us will be turning to running to help change and transform our lives in 2015. You may want to run a marathon, lose weight or replace bad habits such as smoking or drinking with something more constructive and healthy. Whatever your reasons for promising to yourself and others that running is going to be a big part of your life in the year to come you need to take into consideration the art of prioritisation. 

Running helps a lot of people in a lot of different ways. Whether it is your hour of freedom in a busy day or an escape for a tired mind suffering from mental ill health, running has helped transform many peoples lives. However, at the opposite end of the scale running can become a drug, an obsession and a hindrance in some peoples lives. Over the past few months I have learnt the art of prioritisation. Sadly, life has thrown a few blows my way. A persistent ankle injury and chest infection, work issues and daily hospital visits after my Dad was taken very ill a few weeks ago has meant that running has been forced to take a back seat for the past few months. In fact, today I went on my first run in 6 weeks! 

At first it left me feeling anxious and down as I had to accept that some of my goals for the year where not going to be achieved. What have I learnt? Running is not everything! Yes it is great fun, a release, escape and the closest to freedom many of us experience, but it is not the most important thing in life; not by a long way. It is a fantastic tool that helps many different people deal with a whole host of difficult situations, but it must remain in its correct place; a tool to use in appropriate times. We all need a kick up the butt to help us get out on rainy, cold days, but sometimes staying at home, seeing a family member or friend in need or getting an early night will do you more good. Sometimes your body needs a rest, your time and energy are needed elsewhere and life throws something at you that knocks you out and prevents you from doing what you love to do. Learn to accept and prioritise.

In 2015 I am going to run when and how far I want, when it is appropriate. I am learning the art of prioritisation. If time and energy allows, I'm out there! I am going to work towards my goals and love every minute of it. But if my time and attention is needed elsewhere, I am not going to let it bother me or make me cross. I am not going to let running be my drug that I must have in order to enjoy a day.

Happy running everyone

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