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Monday, 24 August 2015

CavemanClarke in Trail Running mag, UK

Apparently, running makes men more attractive?! Well this was news to me. I knew it made the ladies rather appealing, but I always thought muscle-bound rugby players and men who spent more time honing the 'perfect' physique in dark-dingy gyms whilst spending countless hours staring at their own reflection and posting endless 'selfies' of their half-naked torso's on social media got the girls. Well it seems not! 

CavemanClarke trail running 

According to an article in this months Trail Running magazine, UK, distance runners have historically been selected as better mates over their lesser-mileage counterparts. Something to do with high testosterone, high sperm count and a healthy sex-drive and distance runners were selected as ideal mates to hunt and breed. On top of this, generosity and intelligence were also mentioned as qualities of distance runners.

Although I certainly don't want to dismiss this statement, I have yet to find myself fighting off the hoards of female fellow runners chasing me down the trails and often find myself chasing much faster female runners at events and races. Still, when I am struggling away on a cold rainy day, it certainly gives me something to hope for and giggle about. 

Oh, and if this is so true, why does my wife give me the look of disapproval every time I tell her I'm heading out for a long training session?!?!

I think I will stick to running whatever the outcome of attractiveness, but it's a comforting bonus!

Monday, 19 January 2015

CavemanClarke in this months Trail Running Magazine, UK

I am thrilled to say that I have an article about choosing your first pair of trail running shoes in the current edition of Trail Running magazine; the heart of everything you need to know about trail running here in the UK and across the globe. I have read Trail Running pretty much since it first came out a few years ago, and it has often inspired my trail running journey and helped with many tips and tricks along the way. If you need a little inspirational 'kick-up-the-butt' on cold winter days, want to know the latest news and updates on your favourite runners or long to improve your own skills and fitness, this magazine won't disappoint!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Prioritise for 2015

The new year has arrived and with it many of us will be turning to running to help change and transform our lives in 2015. You may want to run a marathon, lose weight or replace bad habits such as smoking or drinking with something more constructive and healthy. Whatever your reasons for promising to yourself and others that running is going to be a big part of your life in the year to come you need to take into consideration the art of prioritisation.