Thursday 24 January 2013

Xero Shoes: Thank you!

Just a very quick post to say thanks to Xero Shoes UK who sent me a pair of their very cool looking 4mm Huarache style sandles today. I opted for the DIY kit as I fancied finalising them myself. I am really excited to get these fitted when I have a spare moment later this week and give them a go.

Sadly the weather is not great here at the moment for huarache style shoes. We currently have about 4-6 inches of snow! Therefore, give me a few weeks to try these properly and time for the weather to improve and I will review them for you all.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year ..... get outdoors for real fun and adventure in 2013!

Happy new year everyone!!!

A new year lies ahead and who knows what exciting adventures it will bring

Out with the old and in with the new, so to speak