Friday 30 August 2013

Inov-8 Trailroc 150: a brief review

Recently, during the very hot weather that England has been experiencing it decided to rain for a few days, turning the hard and dry trails back into wet, sticky and very slippery mud. My favourite trail shoes are still by far the Vibram FiveFingers Spyridon LS (see here for full review: But in very wet and sticky mud, the limited depth of the lugs can lead to them quickly clogging up leaving you back to slippy-slidysit-on-your-butt-before-long style running on ascents and descents. Therefore, for these wetter conditions I am still looking for a minimalist, bareform trail shoe with a little more grip. This is why I decided to try the Inov-8 Trailroc 150; Inov-8's latest and very minimal trail runner for serious barefoot enthusiasts.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Update on the Xero Shoes

Hi everyone,

As some of you may already be aware, I have been trying out the Huarache Sandles from Xero Shoes UK. To see the previous review see here:

Here I thought I would add a couple of pics for you to see the finished product in action. I didn't have to alter the shape of the soles, I only had to follow the instructions on how to tie them up; a really good thing to try with mates or with your children. These days everything is delivered ready assembled and thrown away when something goes wrong. It was lovely to have to sit down with some basic materials and put together something that should last a long time.